Before I continue let me make one thing perfectly clear--this post is NOT about wet t-shirt contests, body shots and beer bongs (not that I would know about those things). I had to clarify, mainly because I get a kick out of imaging what people will think when they land on my site thinking they're going to get much needed info on the finer points of a wet t-shirt. (Ha!) Sorry if I disappointed anyone, but you spend spring break your way and I'll spend it mine.
Baseball. The high school season officially started and Hume-Fogg played two games last week. Glorious weather for baseball!
Prom. This took me by surprise! I got a text message from Zack earlier in the week that said "going 2 prom. need tux." You can only imagine the barrage of questions I laid on that poor kid, but I couldn't help it! The abbreviated version: they're friends, she's been waiting for him to ask, he took too long to ask, so her friend told him to ask, he asked, she said yes. It's in 2 weeks.
Employment. Another big surprise. A friend told me that her son-in-law was hiring concession workers for Nashville Sounds games. Zack stopped by the Sounds' office, talked to the concession manager, got hired on the spot. A pretty good deal for a kid who can't get enough baseball.
Campus visit. Zack went on his first campus visit at Tennessee Tech. We got a full tour of the campus, talked to one of the baseball coaches, and got to see a baseball game. Western Kentucky is next.
Fiber. Yes, I saved the good stuff for last. I have been dyeing fiber all week trying to get ready for the Middle Tennessee Fiber Festival (in Dickson over Memorial Day weekend). I've got a booth this year and I'm teaching two knitting classes. I can't help but wonder what the hell I was thinking committing to both. I believe my booth will be in the Greer building.
The week began with silk hankies. This stack took 3 evenings. I have another couple pounds on order. Hankies (or mawata) are a blast to spin, or you can knit the roving as is. (See how to on Knitty.) I'm working on a simple wrist warmer pattern to go with the hankies. Come to the Fiber Festival and I'll have some samples so you can try spinning or knitting with them.

Yesterday and today it was all about sock yarn. My hands are totally destroyed. I wear rubber gloves, but I always end up with multi-colored finger nails. It looks like a took a hammer to my pinky finger...such a lovely shade of purple-ish black. Luckily, the weather this weekend was GORGEOUS so I was able to do all my color mixing, dripping and spilling outside. I enjoy dyeing outside because the messier I am the better the colors come out. The light is better also.

Oh, so I mentioned that I'm going to teach classes, but I neglected to elaborate. I don't know which class will be taught when, but I do know that one will be Friday afternoon and the other is Saturday morning. I'm teaching the 2-color brioche stitch scarf (same class I taught at Haus of Yarn) and a workshop exploring different ways to cast on. I'm looking forward to teaching both!
Hope to see you at the Festival!