Me Time
There isn't a lot of "me time" in my life right now. I'm dealing with way too many things that don't involve knitting. It seems like I only get to knit a few stitches here and there before time is up.
There isn't a lot of "me time" in my life right now. I'm dealing with way too many things that don't involve knitting. It seems like I only get to knit a few stitches here and there before time is up.
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7:12 PM
Originally uploaded by KnittyBits
This is one of the many photos from the World War II Japanese photo album that my grandfather brought back from Guadalcanal after the war. Based on how many photos there are of this young man, I believe the man standing on the left is the owner of the album.
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10:58 AM
Posted by
8:22 AM
Last weekend I went with Randy to the annual Hamfest in Huntsville, Alabama. This is going to sound shocking, but Hamfest is not a festival celebrating the endless variety of succulent pork products. I was disappointed my first year. Honey Baked Hams has a "booth" at the festival, but no free product give-aways. It's a shame, such a captive audience. My dear knitters, Hamfest is a festival for ham radio operators...and it is something to behold.
If you live near Huntsville, you should make a point to attend the annual 'Fest. The things you will see will astonish and amaze. In the world of ham radio operators, size matters. It's all about who has the longest antenna. Seriously. There were guys with antennae clipped to their ball caps. I kid you not! There were ball caps with LED inserts that scrolled and flashed messages like "Hi, my name is KI4FNU! What's yours?" There were husbands and wives with t-shirts that said, "I'm with WB6TFN" and "I'm WB6TFN." I can't make this stuff up. Everything from pink hair to no hair, from short shorts to pants pulled up a bit to high. Hamfest is a people-watchers paradise.
So why did I go? Huntsville is only a 2 hour drive from here, and the LYS is well worth the trip. Yarn Expressions is located at 8415 Whitesburg Drive, near the Post Office. It's a great shop! The owner has a good web site also. Go, touch, buy!
I bought a bag of undyed blue faced leicester roving. So soft and wonderful. And I bought a skein of sock yarn from Pagewood Farm in the Crayon colorway. YUM! I probably spent an hour in the shop touching and trying not to drool on everything. She really has a great selection and the prices seem right in line with other yarn shops. Her sock yarns were tremendous! Lots of Trekking, Tofutsies, etc. She had yarn that I can't get from my LYSs, stuff I've only read about. What a treat to fondle! She also carries spinning wheels. Yes, spinning wheels! They are pretty hard to come by in the middle Tennessee area, but she had several. I didn't inquire as to prices because "if you have to ask you can't afford it." So I settled for the lovely sock yarn and the roving. I'll get a wheel one day.
These ladies were buzzing me as I was taking photos of my yarn. Note the dry dead vine on the hook. My garden is crispy. Everything is nasty dry. Got to feed the hummers and the birds! Poor things.
Posted by
8:43 PM
Posted by
6:34 PM
I haven't been doing much of anything lately except trying to stay cool...and that's not been an easy thing to do. For the past, well, I don't know how long, it's been hot. Hot as in the air conditioner hasn't quit in weeks. Hot as in the dog won't even go outside. In other words, hot in the biblical hellish sense.
It's getting to the point where it's almost laughable it's so hot. And dry. It's too hot to mow the lawn, but that's ok because we haven't had any rain to make the yard grow. However, there are some fools in the neighborhood with lovely green lawns. You've got to be kidding! They're going to have to mortgage their house to pay the water bill. Plus, why would anyone water their lawn just so they can mow it when it's 100 stinkin' degrees at 7:00pm?? I kid you not, tonight it was 100 STINKIN' degrees at 7.
This doesn't mean I haven't been playing with yarn and fiber. I dyed another batch of yarn, this time in a pink/terra cotta/chestnut brown combination. It looks good. I learned a few more things, but I feel I'm getting better a better feel for the whole process. One word: Patience.
I cast on a Jaywalker sock (there's a link in a July post I think) in some of my hand-dyed purple, blue and teal. I'm using my new Knitpicks DPNs. Oh. Oh. Oh. Totally dreamy. This yarn is knitting up so much better than I anticipated. It's striping really well with no puddling (so far). Let's discuss the kitchener cast on. What a bitch! First of all, you have to cast on all at once. Do not put your work down to answer a "hey, mom!" summons. Start over. Do not drop a stitch in the first row. It's totally impossible to pick up a dropped stitch. Start over. Then I crossed my stitches at the join like a total idiot. Start over. (Hint, use bamboo DPNs, or something slow, for the kitchener cast on, then switch to the fast needles.) I can't tell you how many attempts I made, but the final result is quite nice. However, I'm starting to stress over the second sock. Will it look as good?
No photos to post because it'
Posted by
10:44 PM
...dye, dye again!
I'm much happier with my yarn. Still not what I was planning, but it will work. I darn near ended up with purple, blue and teal dreadlocks. Great instructions on the dye...boiling water. Ok, I'm dying wool here people and wool doesn't particularly enjoy soaking in boiling water.
[Good grief! I'm stopping right here and am going to continue my typing in notepad or something. This stupid post editing window is slower than Christmas. Does anyone else have that problem??]
The colors of this new dye job are purple, sapphire and teal. Since it's an over dye the colors took differently in different places, but I made sure I dyed the sapphire in the same place on both skeins. I did it like dipping candles. My arms are still sore. The new arm workout!
Oh...Webs is having their annual summer sale! OMG! Check it out. I just got the flier in the mail. Now is the time to stock up on yarn for Christmas projects. Their prices are really great. I bought nearly all the yarn for Zack's afghan from them. I bought 1/3 from my LYS somewhat out of guilt and somewhat out of the fact that Webs didn't carry the right shade of tan. I saved a ton! I do suffer from the online vs LYS dilemma, but I also suffer from the I-don't-have-enough-money dilemma. The yarn from Webs was LESS THAN HALF the price at my LYS. What's a knitter to do? And it's not like it's fancy yarn. It's plain old reliable Encore wool blend. I love the stuff! I has enough wool content to be warm. It washes like a dream. Actually it looks better after several (gentle) washings. Good stuff. Go get some and knit with it. Now. Go. I mean it.
Posted by
8:27 PM