We don't need no....wait a minute...Yes, I do need stinking badges!
I must admit I'm a Brenda Dayne junkie, and I am a Badge-Whore. There, I've said it. Brenda, for those of you who don't know, is a podcaster and hosts "Cast-On, A Podcast for Knitters". When I first encountered Brenda, it was more of an accident. It began like this...
It was a dark and stormy night. Randy had just arrived at my house with yet another new gadget called an mp3 player. "Why would you want one of those?" I inquired. He began explaining podcasts. "Why would anyone want to talk about something, record it on their computer and upload it for all the world (or mp3 player owners) to hear?" I queried.
Randy looked me in the eye and said, "do you trust me?" I nodded and he took me by the hand and gently led me to my computer. He fluffed the cushion on my computer chair and beckoned me to take a seat. I did so. I surrendered to him as he led me to Podcast Alley. It looked a little nerdy, but I trusted him. I let him show me the thousands of podcasts available to the world. He showed me ham radio podcasts, linux podcasts, and hiking podcasts. In jest he said, "I'll bet they even have knitting podcasts." The damage was done. I found Brenda, or maybe Brenda found me.
I bought an mp3 player and I've been an avid listener ever since. I may not be lurking on her website to be the first to download the latest podcast. I may not post comments to her website like the many other listeners. But I am devoted. Basically, she rocks! I'd like to sit and knit with her...so I listen to her podcast, sometimes more than once. Is that wrong?
This past summer Brenda took us to camp. I'm a former Girl Scout, and somewhere in my stack of photographs is a 4x4 black and white photo of me in pigtails, wearing plaid bellbottoms, sitting on the floor of the school gymnasium, stitching together an afghan. I learned to knit before Girl Scouts, but that's a very vivid memory of my girlhood knitting. To be quite honest, I don't even recall when I learned to knit. I've always known how. But when I think of knitting when I was a girl, I
recall sitting on that hard floor piecing mishapened knitted "squares" together. I don't recall what we did with the afghan, but it was a thing to behold.
When Brenda posted badges for her "Knit Sibs" to earn, I downloaded every one that I have earned at some point in my life.

The first badge I earned is the
“Proselytize Knitting” Badge. I earned this badge by schlepping my knitting EVERYWHERE. When people inquire, I talk about the latest project. I have been known to say that knitting is sexy and hot.
The “MacGyver” Badge (Level One) - For this badge the recipient must demonstrate clever use of a non-knitting tool in a knitting-related scenario. I've used paper clips as stitch markers, a bamboo skewer as a cable needle, used my son's geometry protractor to measure gauge.
The “MacGyver” Badge (Level Two) - The recipient must demonstrate clever use of a knitting tool in a non-knitting-related scenario. I earned this badge on a Sunday when the hardware store was closed. I used cotton yarn to tie up a seasoned pork tenderloin. I didn't have any butcher's twine. All I could find was worsted weight mercerized 100% cotton. It worked.
The “Knitting Whilst Under the Influence” Badge - This applies to both actual knitting under the influence, as well as achieving moments of stunning intellectual clarity about ones knitting under the influence. I've done this...results weren't good. Step away from the knitting needles!
The “Knitting Got Me Through My Divorce” Badge - Knitting has gotten me through a lot of things, not just my divorce. Now I use my knitting to help other people get through tough times. I'm a member of the
Prayer Shawl Ministry at my
church. What an awesome group of friends I've found!
For my next post, I'll try to find the black and white photo of me in pigtails, it's around here somewhere. But in the mean time, if you run across Randy today, be sure to wish him happy birthday...and put a pink bow on it!